Songs and Rituals of the Altai Mounting District
from the Stepan Gulyaev’s Collection
Keywords: Stepan I. Gulyaev, folk poetry collection of the Altai mountain district
Author: Lyudmila Р. Makhova
About the author
Research fellow, Kliment Kvitka Folk Music Research Center, Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory
13/6 Bolshaya Nikitskaya St., Moscow 125009, Russia
Assistant of Vice-rector for Research of Saint Petersburg Rimsky-Korsakov State Conservatory
2 liter A, Glinki St., St. Petersburg 190068, Russia
Submitted on: 16.10.2019
Published on: 15.04.2020
The Manuscript Department of the Russian Literature Institute (St. Petersburg) keeps a Stepan Gulyaev’s manuscript, consisting of five notebooks: Ritual Songs, Wedding Ritual, Round Songs, Girls’, Women’s and Men’s Songs, Sorcery. Together they form the earliest collection of the folk poetry of Altai mountain district.
Some of these texts, along with the description of the wedding ceremony, were recorded by Gulyaev in Altai back in the 1820s. Partly the material was published in 1848, in Gulyaev’s article Ethnographic Essays of South Siberia. After that, until 1881, he was making additions to the manuscript: the new lyrics, healers’ spells, and other. Gulyaev enclosed inside the Round Songs notebook the draft of his article about the recital of Ivan V. Matchinsky, a singer and a graduate of the St. Petersburg Conservatoire. The recital was held in Barnaul in 1875. Gulyaev glued the title-page of the Round Songs notebook to the article and then reported in the letter to Modest I. Pisarev that he had completed his work on the folk poetry collection. Gulyaev added the Wedding Rituals notebook with the description of the bride theft that happened in 1881 in Barnaul. At the same time he wrote a letter to Sergey Shubinskiy with a question about a possibility to publish his collection in the Historical Herald journal.
Besides the spells, the four song notebooks contain 291 lyrics of round songs (98), wedding songs (84), lyrical songs (72), dance songs (16), spiritual poems (15), and other. The contents of these notebooks are attached to the article with the references to the published lyrics.
Some of the songs from Gulyaev’s collection were recorded with melodies in 1966–2016 during the expeditions to the southern regions of Altai.
Works Cited
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For citation: Makhova, Lyudmila Р. “Songs and Rituals of the Altai Mounting District from the Stepan Gulyaev’s Collection.” In Оpera musicologica, vol. 12, no. 1 (2020), pp. 70–100 (in Russian). DOI: 10.26156/OM.2020.12.1.005.