Versions of the Lyrical Song “Lad’s Dream” in the Folklore Traditions of Russia: Historical and Typological Assessment

Versions of the Lyrical Song “Lad’s Dream” in the Folklore Traditions of Russia: Historical and Typological Assessment

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Keywords: lyrical song, variant, tradition, historical score.

Author: Maria N. Ivanova

About the author

SPIN-код: 2080-2956

Leading expert in folklore at A. M. Mekhnetsov Folklore Center at the Saint Petersburg Rimsky-Korsakov State Conservatory
2 liter A Glinki St., St. Petersburg 190068, Russia

Submitted on: 25.02.2020

Published on: 15.05.2020


The article presents the experience of historical and typological evaluation of versions of songs with the subject “Dream-omen of lad’s misfortune (recruitment in soldiers / death in a foreign land)”, belonging to various regional traditions. The results of the comparative study of more than one hundred sample songs are given in the article. Songs are recorded in the territory of the Russian North (Archangelsk, Vologda region, Komi Republic), in western regions of Russia (Smolensk, Tver region) and areas of residence of Cossacks (Rostov, Volgograd, Stavropol, Krasnodar Territory, Chechen Republic, Ingushetia Republic).

The study revealed three versions of the plot and more than ten typologically different melodies. This diversity is due to the specifics of the singing traditions to which the song variants belong. The process of changing lyrics and melodies is also influenced by the historical circumstances of song distribution, as well as the individual features of the performance style of individual singers.

A conditional historical chain is built on the example of variants of songs with a single story — from the earliest in historical terms samples to variants that have included features of later poetry and musical style. All components of the song form are taken into account. The principle of asynchronous development of the components of the art form is revealed by the study.

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For citation: Ivanova, Maria N. “Versions of the Lyrical Song ‘Lad’s Dream’ in the Folklore Traditions of Russia: Historical and Typological Assessment.” In Оpera musicologica, vol. 12, no. 2 (2020), pp. 42–62 (in Russian).
DOI: 10.26156/OM.2020.12.2.003.