On the Publication of Articles by Carl Dahlhaus
Translated by Stepan Naumovich
Keywords: Carl Dahlhaus, Stepan B. Naumovich, translation, music theory, history and aesthetics of music.
Author: Mikhail Е. Pylaev
About the author
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3312-6748
SPIN-код: 6473-5839
e-mail: pylaevm@mail.ru
Doctor of Art History (2016), Professor of Department of Cultural Studies, Musicology and Music Education of Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
65 Permskaya St., Perm, 614015, Russia
Submitted on: 15.02.2020
Published on: 15.05.2020
The review examines a collection of selected articles by the prominent German musicologist of the 20th century Carl Dahlhaus (Dahlhaus, Carl. Selected works on the history and theory of music / comp., transl. from German, post-title, comment. by S. B. Naumovich. St. Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo imeni N. I. Novikova, 2019), which became the first representative edition of the scientist's writings in Russian (the scientist’s surname is transliterated by S. Naumovich as “Дальхаус”). The reviewer notes the universalism and versatility of the musicologist’s scientific interests, which give the full reason to call him a philosopher of music and a scholar of encyclopedic education (Dm. Chekhovich). S. Naumovich, who acted not only as a translator, but also as a compiler, as well as the author of the afterword, convincingly highlighted Dahlhaus’s scientific heritage in general, characterized the context in which his writings were created, and provided important biographical details. The translation made by S. Naumovich is considered to be a high quality work and have a number of indisputable advantages.
According to the reviewer, the book could naturally be supplemented by excerpts from the works by the Russian musicologist and esthetician Tatiana V. Cherednichenko, who devoted much of her consideration to Dahlhaus. A particular attention is paid to the Viennese critic Eduard Hanslick, whose provisions were in tune with the thoughts of the German scientist. The reviewer also touched on the problem of a purely rational attitude to music/ which Dahlhaus was convinced of: here the musicologist is seen as a successor and heir of Max Weber and Theodor W. Adorno.
Works Cited
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For citation: Pylaev, Mikhail Е. “On the Publication of Articles by Carl Dahlhaus Translated by Stepan Naumovich”. In Оpera musicologica, vol. 12, no. 2 (2020), pp. 100–114 (in Russian).
DOI: 10.26156/OM.2020.12.2.005.