On Ivan Vasilievitch Matchinsky
Keywords: Stepan I. Gulyaev, Dmitry A. Agrenev-Slavyansky, singer (bass) Ivan V. Matchinsky, Camille François Everardi, Evgeny A. Lyatsky, Saint Petersburg State Conservatory, Barnaul.
Author: Stepan I. Gulyaev
About the author
Stepan I. Gulyaev (1806–1888) — Russian historian, folklorist, ethnographer,
naturalist and inventor, Altai researcher.
Submitted on: 16.10.2019
Published on: 15.04.2020
The draft of the unpublished article by Stepan I. Gulyaev is kept at the Manuscript Department of the Institute of Russian Literature (The Pushkin House), Russian Academy of Science as a part of Evgeny A. Lyatsky’s collection (Col. 163). The text of the article is written down on separate sheets, which are enclosed inside the notebook called Pesni krugovye [Round songs] [Col. 163. Inv. 1. No. 59(3). Sheet 2–9 v.].
The article has no author’s title and deals with the concert tour of Dmitry A. Agrenev-Slavyansky’s Choir to the cities of Siberia as well as with the recital of Ivan V. Matchinsky (who graduated from the singing class of C. Everardi of St. Petersburg Conservatory in 1875) in Barnaul. Gulyaev also describes the events which facilitated the singer’s entering the Conservatory.
The reasons for assessing manuscript as an article draft are the personal author’s corrections and the arrangement of the text in the form of a narrow column placed on the right side of a sheet. The author left a blank space on the left side of the sheet exactly to provide an opportunity to edit the initial text and make additions and corrections.
The appendix to the article describes the pagination of the manuscript sheets, since the initial author’s order was changed. Based upon the archive data concerning Matchinsky’s graduation from the St. Petersburg Conservatory, in comparison with the facts mentioned in the article itself, the publisher dates the Gulyaev manuscript to 1875.
Works Cited
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For citation: Gulyaev, Stepan. “On Ivan Vasilievitch Matchinsky”, preparation for publication and comments by L. Makhova. In Оpera musicologica, vol. 12, no. 1 (2020), pp. 102–116 (in Russian). DOI: 10.26156/OM.2020.12.1.006.