Dresden Commemorative Meetings: Vladimir Scherbachev — Nikolay Medtner
Keywords: Vladimir V. Scherbachev, Nikolay K. Medtner (Metner), St. Petersburg (Leningrad) Composer School, Moscow Composer School.
Author: Raisa N. Slonimskaya
About the author
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0988-1006
e-mail: raisa1970@mail.ru
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Grand Doctor of Philosophy in Musicology and Cultural Science, Professor of Department of Music Theory and History of the Saint Petersburg State Institute of Culture
2 Dvortsovaya Naberezhnaya, St. Petersburg 191186, Russia
Submitted on: 12.11.2019
Published on: 15.04.2020
The article considers the relationship of outstanding music figures of the Russian culture Vladimir V. Scherbachev and Nikolay K. Medtner. The analyzed factual material is based on Scherbachev’s letters to his wife Maria Illarionovna, written during a one-year trip to Pillnitz on the Elbe near Dresden 1922–1923. The letters reveal the atmosphere of musical culture of Germany of this period (including the production of “Boris Godunov” by Mussorgsky in the Dresden opera house). The author gives a detailed description of the process of Scherbachev’s work on the score of the monumental symphonic canvas — the Second Symphony on the poems by A. Blok, — and Medtner’s opinion about it. In general, the letters of the two musicians give us an opportunity to recreate living and organic image of the two composers possessing different creative bearings, but sincerely worried about the music art.
Works Cited
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For citation: Slonimskaya, Raisa N. “Dresden Сommemorative Meetings: Vladimir Scherbachev — Nikolay Medtner.” In Оpera musicologica, vol. 12, no. 1 (2020), pp. 25–39 (in Russian). DOI: 10.26156/OM.2020.12.1.002.