re-Requisite Requirements:
- Specialist degree/ Master degree in Instrumantal performance
- Library-research paper (summary, review) on the professional topic 3500-4000 words in length (19-20 pages). A standard research paper format should be used for the paper.
Entrance examinations requirements:
- Performing a solo programme:
- J.S. Bach
Adagio and fuga from Sonata №1 g-moll for violin solo
“Grave” and fuga from Sonata №2 a-moll for violin solo
Adagio and fuga from Sonata №3 C-dur for violin solo
Chakona from partita №2 d-moll for violin solo - First part of one of concertos by Mozart: №3 G-dur, №4 D-dur, №5 A-dur
- One of Caprices by Paganini № 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 17, 21, 24
- One of the following concertos:
Concerto by Beethoven, Concerto by Brams, Concerto by Bartok, Concerto №1 by
Venyavsky, Concerto by Glazunov, Concerto №1, 2 by Paganini, Concerto №1, 2 by
Prokofiev, Concerto by Tchaikovsky, Concerto by Shimanovsky.
- Presentation of the library-research paper (summary, review) on the professional topic. Interview with faculty on the topic of the paper.
- Performing a solo programme:
- J.S. Bach – 6 suites for cello (Solo), or Sonatas for viola solo by P.Hindemit (two
movements) - First movement of concerto with cadence by C.Stamits (D-dur), or First movement of
concerto with cadence by Hofmeister - One of Caprices by B. Campagnioli or Hofmeister
- One of the Concertos by B. Bartok, W. Walton, A. Shnitke, or other composers of the
20th century
- Presentation of the library-research paper (summary, review) on the professional topic. Interview with faculty on the topic of the paper.
- Performing a solo programme
- J.S. Bach – a few movements from Suite № 4, 5, 6
- First movement from Concerto D-dur by J. Hyden ( version )
- One of Caprices by A. Piatti
- One of the following concertos: A. Dvorzhak, Variations on the subject “Rococo” by P.
Tchaikovsky, D. Shostakovitch (1 and 2 concertos), Symphony-Concerto by S. Prokofiev,
Sonata by F. Schubert
- Presentation of the library-research paper (summary, review) on the professional topic. Interview with faculty on the topic of the paper.
- Performing a solo programme
- Two movements of an ancient sonata (Hendel), or two movements of an ancient concerto
- Concerto (or one movement )
- Work (5-6 minutes) (Shostakovitch – Adagio, Glier – Tarantella)
- Presentation of the library-research paper (summary, review) on the professional topic. Interview with faculty on the topic of the paper.
- Performing a solo programme
- Works by J.S. Bach, or G. Hendel
- One large-scale work (Concerto, sonata, fantasia, variations)
- Two pieces (one of them technically –demanding)
- Presentation of the library-research paper (summary, review) on the professional topic. Interview with faculty on the topic of the paper.
- Performing a solo programme
- J.S. Bach. One of the works, a movement of a concerto, or V. A. Mozart (1, 2 or 3 movement of a concerto)
- One work by a romantic composer: Weber, Schubert, etc.
- One work by a modern composer
- Presentation of the library-research paper (summary, review) on the professional topic. Interview with faculty on the topic of the paper.
- Performing a solo programme
- J.S. Bach. One of the works, a movement of a concerto, or V. A. Mozart (1, 2 or 3
movement of a concerto) - One work by a romantic composer: Weber, Schubert, etc.
- One work by a modern composer
- Presentation of the library-research paper (summary, review) on the professional topic. Interview with faculty on the topic of the paper.
- Performing a solo programme
- J.S. Bach. One of the works, a movement of a concerto, or V. A. Mozart (1, 2 or 3
movement of a concerto) - One work by a romantic composer: Weber, Schubert, etc.
- One work by a modern composer
- Presentation of the library-research paper (summary, review) on the professional topic. Interview with faculty on the topic of the paper.
- Performing a solo programme
- J.S. Bach. One of the works, a movement of a concerto, or V. A. Mozart (1, 2 or 3
movement of a concerto) - One work by a romantic composer: Weber, Schubert, etc.
- One work by a modern composer
- Presentation of the library-research paper (summary, review) on the professional topic. Interview with faculty on the topic of the paper.
- Performing a solo programme
- One work by a baroque composer, or classic composer (concerto, sonata)
- One work by a romantic composer, or by a Russian composer
- One work by a modern composer
- Presentation of the library-research paper (summary, review) on the professional topic. Interview with faculty on the topic of the paper.
- Performing a solo programme
- One work by a baroque composer, or classic composer (concerto, sonata)
- One work by a romantic composer, or by a Russian composer
- One work by a modern composer
- Presentation of the library-research paper (summary, review) on the professional topic. Interview with faculty on the topic of the paper.
- Performing a solo programme
- J.S. Bach
Adagio and fuga from Sonata №1 g-moll for violin solo
“Grave” and fuga from Sonata №2 a-moll for violin solo
Adagio and fuga from Sonata №3 C-dur for violin solo
Chakona from partita №2 d-moll for violin solo - First part of one of concertos by Mozart: №3 G-dur, №4 D-dur, №5 A-dur
- One of Caprices by Paganini № 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 17, 21, 24
- One of the following concertos:
Concerto by Beethoven, Concerto by Brams, Concerto by Bartok, Concerto №1 by
Venyavsky, Concerto by Glazunov, Concerto №1, 2 by Paganini, Concerto №1, 2 by
Prokofiev, Concerto by Tchaikovsky, Concerto by Shimanovsky.
- Presentation of the library-research paper (summary, review) on the professional topic. Interview with faculty on the topic of the paper.
- Performing a solo programme
- One work by a baroque composer, or classic composer (concerto, sonata)
- One work by a romantic composer, or by a Russian composer
- One work by a modern composer
- Presentation of the library-research paper (summary, review) on the professional topic. Interview with faculty on the topic of the paper.
- Performing a solo programme
- One work by a baroque composer, or classic composer (concerto, sonata)
- One work by a romantic composer, or by a Russian composer
- One work by a modern composer
- Presentation of the library-research paper (summary, review) on the professional topic. Interview with faculty on the topic of the paper.
Russian language
1. Written test
2. Reading and retelling professionally oriented text (1, 5 pages)
3. Answering text dependent questions, one question for written answer
4. Free conversation with the board on the professional topics
Knowledge of Russian at the Upper-Intermediate level (Test of Russian as a Foreign language. Second Certification level).