SSMSH is a special educational institution intended for the complex education of gifted young musicians: within its walls children receive both special musical and general education. The main goal of the school is the education of high-performing musicians, whose vocational education is combined with a comprehensive common intellectual, artistic and spiritual development.
The presence of the boarding school allowed to attract the most talented children from the Russian province and the republics of the Soviet Union to training. The highest level of teaching skills led to impressive achievements of the school. For many years, the world's only system of early vocational education has developed, providing training for many brilliant musicians, whose names are the pride of national and world music.
From the first issue until today "Decade" chronicles the names that made the glory of the national musical culture:
pianists: G. Sokolov, A. Ugorsky, E. Murina, L. Zaichik, N. Trull, V. Mishchuk, S. Redkin, M. Kultyshev
violinists: M. Vaiman, V. Spivakov, M. Gantvarg and S. Stadler
violists: Y. Kramarov and V. Stopichev
cellists: A. Nikitin, B. Pergamenschikov and M. Maisky
composers: S. Slonimsky, V. Gavrilin, G. Banshchikov
Conductors: Y. Temirkanov, M. Jansons, Yu. Simonov, V. Sinaisky.
In connection with the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2006 No. 1062-r and Order No. 427 of August 21, 2006 of the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography "On the reorganization of federal state institutions under the authority of Roskultura", from 01.01.2007. The secondary special music school is a structural subdivision of the St. Petersburg State Conservatoire named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov.
The main documents regulating the activity of the SSMS are the Charter of the St. Petersburg State Conservatory, the Statute of the SSMS.
Full name: The Secondary Special Music School of the St. Petersburg State Conservatoire named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov.
Postal address: 190121, St. Petersburg, Pereulok Matveeva, Building 1A, SSMSH
Phone: (812) 714-11-61
E-mail address: 10-letka@mail.ru
Director of the school: Dzevanovskaya Anna Sergeevna